Kubernetes Fundamentals and Cluster Operations

Preis & Daten
  • 2760 € zzgl. MwSt.
    inkl. Schulungsunterlage und Kursumgebung
  • Seminarnummer: KFCO
    Dauer: 4 Tage
Unsere Termine
  • Frage zu dem Seminar

Über das Seminar

This four-day course is the first step in learning about Containers and Kubernetes Fundamentals and Cluster Operations. Through a series of lectures and lab exercises, the fundamental concepts of containers and Kubernetes are presented and put to practice by containerizing and deploying a two-tier application into Kubernetes.

Der Abschluss des Kurses berechtigt Sie zur Teilnahme an der Prüfung zum VMware Certified Professional – Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations (VCP-TKO).


  • Containers
    • What and why containers
    • Building images
    • Running containers
    • Registry and image management
  • Kubernetes Overview
    • Kubernetes project
    • Plugin interfaces
    • Building Kubernetes
    • Kubectl CLI
  • Beyond Kubernetes Basics
    • Kubernetes objects
    • YAML
    • Pods, replicas, and deployments
    • Services
    • Deployment management
    • Rolling updates
    • Controlling deployments
    • Pod and container configurations
  • Kubernetes Networking
    • Networking within a pod
    • Pod-to-Pod Networking
    • Services to Pods
    • ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer
    • Ingress controllers
    • Service Discovery via DNS
  • Stateful Applications in Kubernetes
    • Stateless versus Stateful
    • Volumes
    • Persistent volumes claims
    • StorageClasses
    • StatefulSets
  • Additional Kubernetes Considerations
    • Dynamic configuration
    • ConfigMaps
    • Secrets
    • Jobs, CronJobs
  • Security
    • Network policy
    • Applying a NetworkPolicy
    • SecurityContext
    • runAsUser/Group
    • Service accounts
    • Role-based access control
  • Logging and Monitoring
    • Logging for various objects
    • Sidecar logging
    • Node logging
    • Audit logging
    • Monitoring architecture
    • Monitoring solutions
    • Octant
    • VMware vRealize® Operations Manager™
  • Cluster Operations
    • Onboarding new applications
    • Backups
    • Upgrading
    • Drain and cordon commands
    • Impact of an upgrade to running applications
    • Troubleshooting commands
    • VMware Tanzu™ portfolio overview


  • Anyone who is preparing to build and run Kubernetes clusters


  • Linux concepts and command line proficiency
  • General networking proficiency


Dieses Seminar bereitet auf folgende Zertifizierung vor:


Dieses Seminar bereitet auf folgende Prüfung vor:

  • 2V0-71.23: VMware Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations Professional